Why Trauma Informed Community Action (TICA)?
Taking a trauma informed approach to collective wellbeing is an emergent process aimed at co-creating environments and relationships that promote connection and prevent unintended harms.
We want to provoke safe and empowering learning cultures that work towards placing the lived experience of healing or growth from trauma at the centre of our efforts.
We will do this by using systems methodologies, compassionate and transformational leadership, appreciative enquiry, robust knowledge about trauma and wise partnerships to bring people together towards meaningful co-created some of today’s personal, organisational and societal challenges.
We aim to work at scale where possible, developing frameworks, evaluating inputs, delivering projects and events and facilitating network based learning.
We work to support positive and creative growth after adversity, the transformation of serious traumatisation that can impinge on our neurobiology and relationships, and work steadfastly to prevent harm and seek justice.
We endeavour to fulfil the above approach through leadership, research, training, projects, innovation, events, creativity, mentoring and coaching.

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Latest News
We are so excited to share that we have recently become a Community Interest Company (C.I.C.). We are very much looking forward to this new chapter and we are glad you are here for the journey!

Photo of our team at the Cycle of Crisis event in September. Watch out for the forthcoming report.

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Watch this space...
We are currently in the process of developing a few exciting features for this site, including a chat feature and groups for Members to make this an interactive space.
These additions are coming soon and in the meantime if you have any other ideas or suggestions, we would love to hear them. You can submit your thoughts here.